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How Sensory Integration Therapy Assists Children Facing Special Challenges

With early intervention and appropriate sensory integration therapy, children who face social or emotional challenges and development can make significant progress towards the goals. A diagnosis of autism, ADHD, dyspraxia, or other sensory disorders is frightening and confusing for parents. Often these disorders are not diagnosed until early childhood.
Warning signs
In infancy and early childhood, symptoms of a processing disorder may be more difficult to detect. Some common symptoms include difficulty sleeping, difficulty eating, and refuses to be separated from a caregiver. A lack of skill or activity or, conversely, extreme activity may seem to fall within the parameters of behavior of infants and toddlers "normal", but these could be warning signs of a development challenge.
As the child enters preschool, the signs become more important and worrying. Toilet training delays are common, such as difficulty with fine motor tasks. He has difficulty with transitions, aggression, or avoidance of contact and some textures may also occur. Children who have difficulty integrating sensory information may also have sudden mood swings and temper tantrums. They are overwhelmed by the maze of information coming at them, and the brain's inability to resolve the signals. That's where sensory integration therapy intervenes.
A trained therapist guide the child through activities that are specifically designed to exercise and strengthen the specific treatment capacity. A child challenged by dyspraxia, for example, may have difficulty with balance and posture, and motor skills. They will be encouraged to participate in the fall, turning, and other activities of the great engine of movement that help teach the brain to process the input motion and position information. With the guidance of the therapist, the child is taken through activities that give the most practical brain in the entrance of interpretation on the position and movement of the body.
Autistic children face special challenges when participating in everyday life. Sensitivity to external stimuli, such as textures, light and sound can be overwhelming. In the sensory integration therapy, the child is exposed to various stimuli gradually, gradually re-teach the brain how to react. An example of the technique in action is the use of a ball pool. It encourages the child to reach bullets and retrieve an object like a stuffed animal. The sound and plastic bullets sensation could be overwhelming in a different environment, but with a gradual introduction and encouragement of the therapist, the child learns to filter the huge flow of information and focus on the task . The therapist helps the child learn self-soothing techniques like rubbing the back or arms during treatment. This movement ensures that the child learns to compensate and touch stimuli balls with their arms.
With the help of a trained therapist, sensory integration therapy can become an important part of a comprehensive treatment program to help disabled children reach their full potential.

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