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Novel Stem-Cell Procedure Saves A Boy's Leg

Stem cells have opened so many doors to personalized medicine no one could imagine a few years ago. Not only traditional transplants, stem cells, doctors are now able to treat many rare diseases. Thanks to the researchers and their new techniques involving stem cells.
This is a story of Javier Tan, a rare genetic disease suffering from 9-year-old Fanconi anemia, which led to his hemogram at a significantly lower level. I needed a stem cell transplant; While his body would be able to create new blood cells
He received his first stem cell transplant when he was 7 years old. The surgery was meant to save his life, but called the irony of fate that turned his life into a nightmare. Instead of healing, he contracted a bone infection. His condition was so severe that his doctors foresee that losing the limb.
In this scenario, the best option is to wait for another donor, which could take several months. Instead, their doctor administers another transplant and that in a few weeks. When his doctors realized that would require giving 50% instead of 100%, his father became the donor, which was rejected above.
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) is important to both cord blood and bone marrow transplant. It is a protein present in cells, which is used to match donor stem cells to the patient. However, this time Javier doctors have looked for another method, called haplo graft. In this process, T cells, immune cells that are responsible for attacks against foreign elements in the body have been removed. Thus, in the case of Javier, T cells can not attack newly transplanted cells.
After seeing the enormous improvement, Javier's mother is very happy. Ms. Vivian Tan recalled the day the doctors told him he might need to amputate his son's leg. And look now at him. He is a primary health student of 3, excelling in English and Chinese. His operation was done in January and Javier was back in school in May. She said, "I am really relieved and grateful that he has his health back. "
Dr Rajat Bhattacharyya, a consultant with the KK Pediatric subspecialties department for women and the Children's Hospital (KKH), confirmed that the new transplantation method is sufficiently versatile to find an appropriate donor. However, the technique has been in existence since 2010. The National University Hospital (NUH) successfully conducted the procedure successfully in 38 children. The National Cancer Institute, Singapore (SNIC) has successfully completed eight transplants in adults. KKH doctors have treated 4 children with this technique since October 2014. Ten adult patients with leukemia have been treated with this method by the Singapore General Hospital (GHS) since 2004.
The number of patients undergoing haplo transplantation increases gradually. And why not! Without the procedure, the chances of finding the most appropriate donor can take several months or years. The haplo hope transplant offers for patients suffering from rare diseases and end up with little hope of living a healthy life ahead.

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