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Reasons Why The Global Environmental Challenges Call for International Collaboration Among Scholars

The environment is the refuge of human life. Its unbridled degradation at this time requires the most urgent attention of researchers from all fields. Many ecologists and lovers of biodiversity conservation and I believe that effective design strategies to stop this scourge of the attitudes and harmful activities of individuals requires a pluralistic and pluridisciplinary approach.
Trust solidly in a single truncated science and technology solutions for the global environmental threat can not produce the greatest approach to benefits. This is largely due to the multifaceted nature of global environmental challenges that require good collaboration among academic disciplines.
To illustrate, the world needs economic and mathematical knowledge from economists and mathematicians on how to effectively manage biodiversity resources, to establish the right measure between use and conservation (sustainability). Scientists, engineers and technocrats should come out with new technologies such as biomimicry and other biotechnological approaches to support endangered species in our environment. Artists should reinforce awareness campaigns through their well designed communication design tools. Ethnologists and bodybuilders and religious should develop strategies on how to change the weak and / or bad attitudes of people's behaviors to draw powerful lessons from their culture (norms, religious beliefs, values, ethics, Statutes) to use their morale and encourage them to participate in activities that respect the environment, the protection of nature that humans serve as guardians or administrators. Historians should help us follow what has gone wrong in the global environmental situation in the mud. This will tell us reliably what it was that went wrong and how we can change the wrong choices that humans have made in the past, once in the past continue haunting no. Farmers must develop strategies and inform about improving agricultural practices that do not aggravate the global environmental situation, but to feed the soil, habitats saves and improve the growth of plant species in the environment. Foresters, nature conservationists and wildlife specialists must demonstrate measures practically to mitigate the abuse of biodiversity in the environment. Legal experts should develop strategies to establish strict laws that, when applied, are strong enough to prevent the guilty environment from having diverted change their attitude while serving as a powerful deterrent to others not to Walk on their missteps.
Law enforcement, military professionals and police personnel must ensure that environmental laws, standards and regulations work to strengthen the process of implementing policies, strategies and adhere to the environmental conventions adopted.
Entries all areas of human activity, some of which are not mentioned here but play an equally important role in ending global environmental challenges can collectively produce the most beneficial results for saving the environment, our home and Hope for survival for human generations. It can be argued that the global environmental condition requires international collaboration among academics in various fields of study if there is hope of providing a powerful weapon to get rid of the sad condition of the global environment.

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