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Your Words Are Alienating Your Customers

There are two types of marketing in the world: things that give the reader a warm and diffuse feeling and that make them buy; and the things that scare them.
The latter is what I like to call marketing "in your face".
It's what you see in these terrible direct mail letters (which use many fonts, colors, and many more) and "American" style pages that are full of exaggerations and absurdities of bad faith that is supposed to make you want to buy a product that does not need
The problem is that your reader just wants to know how your product / service will benefit them (that is, it will make their life easier) and some basic facts. So, if it's something you can not do without and it's the right price, you'll buy it.
If your website is full of marketing, it will alienate your customers; I do not mean jargon, I mean things that hurt your conversion rates.
Overused phrases
How many times have you read that something is "innovative" or "market leader"?
"Our product is world class ..." - really, where is your test?
"Our new gadget is first class ..." was it the old man second class?
These words and phrases have no meaning. Instead of losing space with them, tell your reader why your product is great and why it is important to them. Will it make them happier, save them time, make them more prosperous?
If you are launching a new product, you will surely be enthusiastic, but resist the urge to claim that it is a "lead" (unless you have proof of it), whether it is " innovative "or" pioneering ".
It's new; we got it but tell us why. Explain what is new in this area and, more importantly, what it means for us as consumers. In this way, it will turn this new feature into an advantage.
Do not tell us that you are the best, or the last, or the incredible, rather tell us how you are and leave words like that for your testimonials.
If you exaggerate your copy, no one will believe you.
Stop being insignificant
Come on, tell me the truth, does the wording of your website require "quick delivery" or "excellent customer service"?
If you want to display your customer service levels, use specific details, such as the results of a customer survey. This will increase your credibility.
The last on my list, but one of the leading offenders in "absurd" bets.
Enjoying and relieving are not as powerful as "using" or "relieving" - stop trying to be smart and write what you mean.
Come on, be honest, how many of them are you guilty?
You see, writing a simple, straightforward copy is not as easy as you thought. It's easy to splash your copy with an absurd stupidity that dilutes your message until there's nothing left to impress your customers.
Before you start writing, think about your client, who he is and what he wants. Then keep them focused on your mind as you write using their words.

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