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The Key to the Tech Explosion

One of the best jobs in my career did not involve stocks of all.
In 2001, the EU began full deployment of its new currency, the euro.
Now, the euro was a coin that you could use to trade. However, until 2001, it was not widely used for day-day operations such as buying a cup of coffee.
The value of the new euro fell almost two years now and crashed. In dollar terms, which fell $ 1.20 in 1999 to $ 0.82 in 2000. This is a decrease of almost 50%!
Everyone was bearish on the euro. I was not. And why it was not something so simple ... and so important for any type of investment ... I made the cornerstone of my investment system.
Supply and demand - which was my base for this trade. It was not huge expectation potential for investors Euro require a lot of money. My research has shown that silver investors much kept their money in dollars, waiting to see if the deployment went well.
In addition, the European Central Bank (ECB) wanted to see the rise of the euro to its star level. If the euro remained low against the dollar, people could lose confidence in it. This is not good, especially when you talk about a new currency.
The euro was also cheap relative to the dollar when evaluated in terms of interest rates. So I knew that the ECB will continue to offer the weaker currency so that the value of the euro rise against the dollar.
In brief: The stars aligned for the euro to fly higher because the potential demand was high and supply was limited.
I bought my euros for about $ 0.85 in 2001 and sold $ 1.20 in 2004. I made a profit of only 40% of the exchange of dollars against euros ... and then come back.
For me, these gains were a nice addition. However, the real value was to see the amazing power of the use of the analysis of supply and demand and its application to financial markets for large profits.
Since then I have used the analysis of supply and demand in many operating blockbusters. For example, purchasing Google IPO. And the purchase of shares during the financial crisis of 2008 and the generation of amazing 2539% gains Sarepta Therapeutics.
Heart Tech next revolution: The Internet of Things
supply and work demand in all environments, which is the safest way for anyone to hit the big winners markets transactions hectic values ​​today.
I recently found another potential blockbuster trade that is part of the trend that is developing in the field of technology called Internet of Things.
Setting giant Cisco Systems network estimates that the total value of this tendency is $ 19 billion, while General Electric estimates that its industrial business opportunity could be worth $ 225 million in 2020.
Now the key technology of this trend is a small device called microelectronicmechanical systems, or MEMS. The right image shows what looks like a.
For the Internet of things to work on, companies will put all MEMS - pipes, electrical cables, doors, windows, locks, each part of your car and all aircraft engines and medical devices. In short, you see coming at all.
These devices can measure and transmit data, which can then be used to make life easier. Do not worry more for plumbing leaks or short-circuited electrical son. Our cars will be able to talk to each other and avoid accidents. You can lock your house from your phone. And these are just a few examples.
About Soar 356%
Now, you might get a comprehensive exposure to some of the companies involved in the zillion things revolution $ 19 Internet possessing Vaneck Vectors Semiconductor ETF (NYSE: SMH). Funds, however, negotiated exchange (ETF) will not give the phenomenal rise of companies that are laser focused on the Internet of things possess.
next technology revolution will be an explosion of a trillion dollars, and knowing that companies are better placed to take part in this revolution could mean huge profits.

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