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Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World

Summer is a good time to unwind and enjoy a slightly slower pace than the rest of the year. Children do not leave school and many of us go on vacation during those warmer months. The days are longer and warmer, allowing for more opportunities to get out and enjoy nature and other people. All these good things!
I recently talked to many people who feel unbalanced, unfounded or anxious. It seems that many are unbalanced by external events that create a feeling of underlying instability. The tragic events in Florida, the controversy over the upcoming elections and the uncertainty of the economy as well as other international riots are factors that increase stress. Although the outcome of these events is beyond our control, we can be linked to the negative energy that surrounds them and can affect our well-being, concentration and energy. The restoration of balance is a process that begins with awareness and leads to action.
Steps to restore balance

Awareness: Before you can restore balance, it is important to determine which areas of your life are out of control. Common areas are work, home, health, relationships, fun, finance or spirituality. This may be one of these factors or a combination of several. Once you have become aware of the origin, you can start making changes that will help you find your balance.

Determine what is under your control: Determine what depends on our control and what is not the next step. For example, we can not control the negative events in the world, but we can control our reaction and our response. We can limit the amount of news we read or see or the amount of exposure we have in social media. If events or people are beyond our control to change and we continually try to do so, we will feel frustrated and anxious about our inability to succeed. Raising what we can not control helps us to relax.

Minimizing Exposure to People, Places and Toxic Things: Often we do not realize that external factors are draining us. Are there people or events that seem to suck up the energy of your body and mind? If this is the case, try limiting exposure or setting personal limits can be helpful. For example, we might have a colleague who constantly tries to get into an embarrassing political discussion. In this situation, we can politely but firmly say that we do not discuss politics in the office and that we change the subject. Humor can work if the situation is uncomfortable. If the attempts continue, do not forget your policy and eliminate if possible.

Pay attention to your health: In times of stress, we often ignore our health and well-being which contributes to our lack of balance. Give priority to self-care by sleeping enough, eating healthy and regular meals, clinging to exercise that is enjoyable and giving you energy. Fun can also be low on the priority list when you feel stressed out. Do something to lighten the mood, even if you do not feel very useful. Even something as simple as taking five minutes and watching a humorous video can make us laugh or smile which helps to change our point of view.

Find quiet time: when we are surprised to take a few minutes or more to relax and unwind, you will help restore balance. Try a simple breathing exercise like "breathing in creating space in my body and mind, breathing I release tension in my body and mind" to change energy and concentration. Get out and connect with nature if it's an option.

Connect with your support system: Spend time talking to those you trust and sharing what you feel. Feeling isolated or alone will increase stress. The perspective of a person or group of trust and support will help to restore balance. If it is not possible to visit with your support, look for the time for a call. Seek help and support from a member of the therapist, coach or clergy if necessary. As the saying goes: "A pain shared if a pain has decreased by half".

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