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Ayurveda and Its Simple Approach to Diagnosis - The Three Body Types

Ayurveda is one of the oldest diseases treatment methods. It is different from the way the treatment of diseases approach. It relies more on natural principles and the use of the body's healing ability rather than chemical based medicines used by modern medical science. Furthermore, Ayurveda treats each patient as a separate entity with completely new drugs to him / her. In the case of modern medical science, which is a little more focused on the type of disease, not the patient. Now scientists realize that everyone reacts differently to the same way of medicine and therefore efforts are made to develop individual drugs. This is what Ayurveda has been done for thousands of years.
Ayurveda treats the disease on the basis of body types. The human body has three elements that decide and govern the functioning of our body systems. These factors decide the integrated body, the personality and the body's response to different kinds of diseases. The elements are known as doshas in ancient medical science of Ayurveda. Yoga is one of the ways to treat these doshas. the training of yoga teachers teach this as part of the anatomy course.
The meaning of the doshas
Dosha is a Sanskrit word meaning a default. They are the link between the physical body and energy (soul), which makes us live. These doshas are invisible and leads to an imbalance in different types of diseases.
There are three doshas that the Ayurvedic texts - Vata, Pitta and Kapha. When a person is born, he / she is born with a certain proportion of the three doshas. It is a fact that every human being is born with a unique genetic composition, and even with a unique combination of doshas. It's the variety that keeps us alive as a race, as explained by research.
Composition of the doshas
There are five elements of air, fire, water, earth and ether (space) of our planet. doshas Ayurveda defined as composed of one of these five elements. They are three vata - composed of space and air, Pitta elements consisting of elements of fire and water and Kapha elements made of earth and water.
The doshas are inherent qualities and remain with us throughout life. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. They affect not only our physical attributes but also the emotional part of us. The balance of these doshas leads to the mind and body healthy. One or two doshas dominate each individual, but everyone has all three. In very rare cases, three types of doshas are also present in a human being.
physical and emotional traits and doshas
Vata Dosha has its own physical and emotional characteristics. They are:
Physical characteristics: (1) the thin, flexible body that is (2) the muscular lightweight light with low fat (3) Less resistance (4) Tendency gas and constipation (5) Prone to irregularity in the pattern dream.
Emotions traits: (1) very prone to mood swings (2) Prompt action taking trend (3) Tendency to overexertion in all situations. (4) Experience bursts of emotions that are short-lived. (5) The creative and imaginative mind to think clearly.
Pitta Dosha also has physical and emotional traits that are quite different. They are:
Physical characteristics: (1) Medium-bodied built Prone to premature baldness and graying (3) (4) Very strong soft and clear skin and digestive system like eating solid bone (2). Therefore, the experience of acute impulses of hunger and thirst. (5) A little higher body temperature.
Emotions traits: (1) intellectual and can be rude. (2) get angry very easily and can not absorb the stress. (3) very articulate voice because of highly developed language skills. (4) Love call (5) You want everything arranged and hate clutter.
Kapha Dosha may be widespread among people. In the modern era, this is the dosha is dominant. The characteristics of this Dosha are:
Physical characteristics: the body (1) Well built and physically strong (2) tend to gain weight and physical activity requiring great to keep fit. (3) The bones are strong and very strong. (4) Prone to sinus and lung infection. (5) As foods high in sugar.
Emotions traits: (1) Relaxed in their approach. (2) Take care, love and forgive. (3) Memory Sharp and remember things for a long time. (3) The slow decision making. (4) I do not like changes in life. (5) Having a steady supply of energy and can run for longer periods.
Knowing the type of body and features can help the food balance and lifestyle. Each body type is unique and must be accepted with its strength and its weakness.

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