Do you think that these are the best solutions for your problem?

Does Misery Really Love Company?

Well, I can not confirm, but I can say that there is at least some truth in that statement. Before we get into this let me talk for a minute because I want to cover a few things before we get into how this relates to physical intimacy in marriage.
I have seen so many marriages end prematurely. The discomfort of feeling that is only associated with what appears to be a devastating event in the wedding can easily make even stronger person. When you opt for marriage, it is difficult to see other couples around you who seem to be doing well. Often you may feel like something must be wrong with you and / or your spouse. Until it is completely out of this thought, knowing that their struggles are not unique. The only thing that is unique is their experience. Oh yeah! Couples who seem to be doing so wonderful or can not be together either. 50% of them have either had a problem in the past and it worked or are about to have a new marital problem to treat. I think my wife and I have mastered the art of arguing like crazy in the car and runs as the perfect couple when we got off the car or to enter the room with you.
In caviot I will say that we were only pretending to anybody, but we realized that many couples in our lives depended on us to be "perfect" in exchange for the hope of staying together.
Over time, we realized that the bar we were apparently part was actually hurt some couples because they felt that their imperfections were abnormal. I also discovered talking to men who allow me to take responsibility and vice versa there is comfort in knowing you are not alone and passing through a particular topic.
I know this may sound crazy, but knowing his pain and the situation is not only can offer a temporary peace.
Nobody has all the answers and sometimes it's good to hear someone you respect and honor you say, "Brother, you were wrong, you must solve the problem by doing x, y, z" - or - "Bro went through it and I remain strong in faith to overcome this situation. "
My wife and I have had many people come to us and say that "The man who prayed and prayed that we have a marriage like yours." In my head, I think that's why their marriage ransacked! LOL! But in all seriousness the people were praying for something that really could not handle it and not even know.
That should have been effectively pray for our commitment to our alliance with respect to the fact that I have zero switches according to my wife and I express the same grace that God continually stretches me.
The way I see it I have invested much time, energy and tears in this marriage I deserve his best years.
What has to do with sex? Well, glad you asked! Whether you know it or not ... Many couples who have been married for any length of time living in a time when one or both people are sexually unsatisfied.
I know this is a shock, but it's true! Many people are walking around like everything is good all the time and many are made to suffer.
A survey in January was conducted and found that only 7% of respondents had sex once a week, 50% said they have sex several times a week 0% responded almost daily 21% of married couples said who had sex once a month and the same percentage was answered to have sex several times a month. So what do these numbers are obtained? This is what I am:
• married couples do not have sex every day of the year!

At the same time ... how many of us really want? Ask your friend who told him they receive every night lying or wife does not participate in the survey. You see, they are not 365 bandit who proclaim. LOL @ bandit 365 ... Where I can come up with these things?
• Apparently 1-2 couples are actually lucky to get lucky a couple of times a week. That is good !!! However, there is still room for improvement. This group can be connected more frequently, but could still improve the quality, variety and some amount. "Do not stop until you get enough!"
• 7% of people connect at least once a week and with some adjustments, perhaps in planning or initiation to overcome their anxiety; that slide into the same group that is physically connected a couple of times a week. High Five and get to work!
• The other half of the group is busy or does not prioritize sex, suffering from anorexia that intimacy is called or not interested in the physical connection (I hope this is not the case for you).

So where do you fit in? Either way, it will show that you are not alone.
There is hope!
If you fit into this third category, there is not only hope, but at least everything is in place here! You must answer that the increase begin to change things for the better.
The husband and wife sit and identify areas that affect your sex life. Believe it or not most married couples do not discuss their sexual frustrations until they are competing or having "intense communion." Unfortunately, this time often leads to couples do not talk about it at all because they associate all sexual discussions with arguments and tension.
It is important that each spouse to create rules that you are simply listening to each other and without intending to respond or their views. You must listen to listen. If the point is valid and important, believe me, do not you forget that after having tried to understand and confirm that understanding with your spouse. Do not place the blame on others and remember you are on the same team.
So ... good to talk about their problems of physical intimacy in a healthy way and end the call with a commitment to change and develop action items in place before the change actually occurs.
My last thought is also important to keep the marker in relation to the number of days per week you have sex as much as it is important that you two are fulfilling sexual and honest about this with each other. Misery does not like the company, but those who know will be appreciated that know they are not alone.

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