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How to Help Your Child Improve Their Scissor Skills

With scissors is one of the great challenges that all children face somewhere along the line between holding a pencil and school. If you are brave enough to allow your child to use scissors at home, you will have a lot of practice. But sometimes this is not enough to ensure that the handle scissors your baby is at its best.
Below, we have compiled a few ideas that will help your child develop muscles strong fine motor skills (essential for cutting and writing), while offering fun trying. Do not be afraid to put them on the table, scissors in hand and let explore. Remember to show the children how to hold the scissors to walk or move on to someone else.

Why not try some of the following ideas:
Encourage your child to develop a cutting action to play with barbecue tongs. Put a few small items (balls, stuffed animals, models, blocks, etc.) around the table and have a game to see who can collect the most recent information. Encourage them to press using your thumb and forefinger to strengthen your hand muscles.
Encourage your child to press the dough through a garlic press. They just love to see "to" out!
Sing action songs with your finger of the child, finger movements to help strengthen the holding scissors and crayons. Incy Wincy Spider, Baa, Baa, Black Sheep, open and closed Galump you are fantastic examples.
Give your child a spray bottle filled with water and let them sprinkled in the garden.
Off chopsticks on meals for your child to try.
Give your child regularly to press and roll the dough and push. Strengthens the small muscles and feels good.
Help your child cut holes in the cardboard with a punch.
Ask an adult to hold a thin strip of paper so your child can cut through with a single cut.
Encourage your child to gently cut the edges of the paper to make a band. Use your new slot skill to make a hat or use tape to decorate works of art or craft tape.
cut thin strips of paper to make the grass for a collage.
Draw a thick line on cardboard and cut your child, following the line. As your child improves, making wavy lines, or draw great ways for them to cut around.   

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