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No Child Left Behind and the Gifted Student

Public schools in the United States, whose mission is to provide all students with a safe and positive learning environment in which to develop the skills and knowledge that are essential to production, successful life in a world community that is evolving quickly. The vision of education is to provide all students with access to develop higher order thinking skills that involve the creative and critical thinking, which is necessary to solve real world problems. No child was behind an initiative by President George Bush in 2001 to ensure that all students in public schools was offered this opportunity. NCLB requires all states, the school district and the school follow the new guidelines to ensure that all students are proficient in math at grade level and reading by 2014. This led school districts to focus on fighting and struggling students and succumb to the myth that "gifted students do not need help, but they will do well on their own."

The strategies that have been used in schools (especially schools) to help increase student growth are additional mathematics, mathematics catch, periods of more class, rehabilitation and technical resources of a co -enseñan regular classroom teacher differentiated instruction in regular classes, the application of technology tools or handled. Most of these resources are intended to help students struggling to achieve competition; It was not designed to support gifted students or accelerate the development of higher skills of students in order thinking. In fact, these strategies are behind academically talented students to stagnate and lose its unity of knowledge. gifted and talented students who lose accelerated learning opportunities are still well above average, but can not achieve later in life. This is the damage: we lose our future Madame Curie or Thomas Edison or Albert Einstein.
If the goal of NCLB is to create access to quality education for all students to acquire skills or growth and development of each school district and school must be just that. Currently, funding for public school focuses on students who are academically and lower latency behind their peers. However, there must be a change to include gifted students that funding. Schools must adjust schedules to block or hire more math teachers to offer "math class AIG" mandatory. It seems more likely that schools change to a block schedule to lengthen class periods before finding the money to hire more teachers.
The need for AIG students to access appropriate services at school are not just a matter of improving student performance, it is about improving critical thinking skills and creative students. This effort will require all stakeholders to the acceptance and support of the population is not supposed to need help, and they will do well on their own. The return on investment for our students to develop their skills AIG higher order thinking to the global community of the 21st century all members of the global community will benefit. These students are the future; As educators must ensure that they have the opportunity to develop their full potential.
Jennifer Senter is a consultant to AIG for schools in Cumberland County. Jennifer is currently enrolled in the master's program in education at the University of Western Carolina. Webmasters and other article publishers in mind, Article reprint permission is granted as long as this entire article, author information and links remain intact. Copyright 2016 Jennifer Senter.  

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